The Advertising Club of Connecticut, founded in 1913, is the largest professional association in the state serving the needs of growing businesses by allowing those who share a passion and a connection to advertising to enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals.
The Ad Club of CT has been a state-wide catalyst for promoting creative, educational and socio-economic ventures throughout the advertising and marketing community.
For over 100 years, we have hosted educational events throughout the state, providing seminars where hot topics are debated and discussed; offer opportunities to meet with colleagues and potential clients; matched needs and skills through internships; awarded scholarships and recognized the very best advertising in the state. In the past, we also produced charity events that benefited Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and allowed us to award the annual Rob Branham Scholarship. In addition, in 2016, we worked with The Governor’s Prevention Partnership to raise awareness of the opioid addiction crisis through our Out-of-Home Competition that was sponsored by OOHA/Wilkins at the Pond House. All the outdoor companies worked together to post the winning creative on high-visibility billboard locations throughout the state.
Our 2,000+ audience includes corporate and agency marketing executives, creative and media directors, advertising and media account executives, graphic designers, art directors, copywriters, public relations professionals, media reps from all major television and radio networks, consultants, printers, photographers, videographers, illustrators, digital marketing specialists, web gurus, out-of-home advertising representatives, and anyone who has a passion for marketing and advertising.
Mission Statement
To promote the highest standards of excellence in advertising and marketing throughout the state, emphasizing professionalism, educational programs and seminars, networking, social media, scholastic mentoring, exchanging of ideas and the recognition of creative excellence.
Purposes of the Organization:
The purposes of this organization shall be to:
- Advance the status of the advertising/marketing profession and of the individual members of the club both within the profession and in the eyes of the public and business sectors;
- Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our members;
- Build awareness of the marketing and advertising industry with statewide businesses, and affiliate organizations;
- Promote the interchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences;
- Recognize and award advertising and marketing professionals within Connecticut;
- Advocate and promote legal and truthful advertising and marketing methods and practices;
- Promote and stimulate better marketing methods including advertising, public relations, media services, social media, promotion and merchandising;
- Assist in the recruitment and training of those entering the fields of advertising/marketing;
- Assist and advance desirable community and/or charitable projects and goals by utilizing the knowledge and resources within the organization;
- Provide educational opportunities to increase the knowledge and improve the skill of members;
- To educate members on the latest trends, developing technologies and methods that will affect the advertising profession through social media, events, panel discussions, webinars, educational seminars, teleseminars, and co-branding with other organizations and associations.
Our Vision
The Advertising Club of Connecticut will be recognized as the premier resource for advertising and marketing professionals in the state. It will underscore its leadership position by bringing together the industry’s resources and professionals (such as consultants, freelancers, entrepreneurs, students, small and medium size businesses, and corporations), and establish strategic partnerships and affiliations. It will realize positive change in the advertising and marketing industry, expand community development opportunities and improve the quality of its mission.